Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for Dreams Do you ever feel like you are alive in your dreams? Alive in some other place? Like it is just as real as your waking life? If we really do exist in another place and time in our dreams, what happens when we 'wake up'? Are we still there in the other place, but just not conscious of being there? Or do we disappear and if so, what about the other people in our dream world? Do they say 'what happened to so and so, they just disappeared?' Or do we fall asleep in our other 'life'? 'Narcolepsy, she must have narcolepsy. She is always falling asleep and it takes forever to wake her up again, so just let her sleep. She usually sleeps about sixteen hours.' Of course we almost always return to a different time and place in our dreams, usually with different people. The logistics just aren't logical. Still, our dreams seem so real. Sometimes they come true. Once I dreamed that a chicken I had was killed by a dog. Three weeks later she was killed by a dog. None of our chickens had been killed by a dog in years. The chicken was more than ten years old when she met her end. A very long life for a chicken. The other night I was driving on gravel roads in my dreams. I had to go down this virtually straight up and down slope. I wasn't afraid because I knew I had done this before and I knew that as long as I kept going down at a certain speed and kept the car straight, I would be okay. Hope that dream does not occur, although I guess I've been practicing in my sleep and as long as the happy ending part comes out okay, I won't mind so much. What did it mean? That things are going downhill....but it's going to be okay? AAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


  1. Dreams have come true in my life too! Now I record the major ones. I dreamt about the Boxing Day Tsunami and had emailed my daughter the details four days before the event. Dreams have helped me create scenes in my books (the ones I remember).

    Great D post!

    1. Wow, that is a precognitive dream! I sometimes have had voices...soft little voices...tell me what will happen. Or feelings. Some of my dreams ...or nightmares...from childhood seem almost precognitive in a vague way in retrospect. I recall my first night mare being in the chicken house with my mother, and then I turned away for a moment and when I turned back she was either gone or a skeleton. My mother died when I was 20, rather suddenly, and sometimes I wonder if that nightmare was a forewarning or if it was a common childhood fear expressed in a dream? I hope my dreams don't come true! I had a couple a few months ago where the ground was severely shaking and I crawled under a boulder...and one where I drove up our driveway and our house was all in rubble. Yikes! Or am I just worrying about the big Cascadia earthquake they say is due? Hopefully I will have warning enough to get my family to safety!

  2. Very thought provoking!

    Have you read anything about dream interpretation? The car journey mirrors your life journey, and the fact that you're in control of the car means that you're also in control of your own destiny. You're making steady progress and know that you're not going to be crashing any time soon, which is very positive!

    1. Thanks, but I am going straight downhill! The only plus is that I am in control of the car so it doesn't crash!

  3. I have been known to interpret dreams. I believe they have things to say to us especially when we remember them in vivid details.
    Great post you have here.

    I found you via my husband's A-Z challenge. I am doing that too.
    COme by if you wish.
    ~Naila Moon

    1. Will you please take off the captias they are so annoying.

    2. The captias? Are those the orange things when I reply to a comment? I will if I can figure out how to, which might take a while...

    3. Oh...the letters to verify you are not a robot? I will try and yes they are annoying

    4. When I have another interesting dream, I will come by and ask for an interpretation. Thanks!
