Saturday, April 14, 2012

M is for ...modesty!

Modesty seems to have gone through quite a bit of change since
I was younger. It had gone through a lot of change since my mother 
was young, too. Even more since my grandmother's day.

When I was a teenager, we would have been upset if our bra
strap peeked out. In my grandmother's day, she probably didn't
let her knees show, and her mother probably didn't let her ankles
show. Except perhaps on the beach, in one of those long things
they used to wear as swim wear, with the stockings.

Now underwear is what they style outerwear after.


As a teen, I snuck any feminine products into the shopping
cart and made sure I was no where around when my mother
went through the check out line. My mother was in her
fifties when I was a teenager. Same for toilet paper, did 
not want to be seen carrying that in the store!

In fifth grade, they had the boys and the girls go in 
separately to see secret movies that informed us of
the reproductive aspects of life. It was probably one
of the most eventful days of the entire year. They gave out
pamphlets (which I hid away in the drawer). The girls 
wondered what movie the boys got to see and I suppose 
the boys wondered what movie the girls got to see.
But no one explained any thing to the other one.

Then they started showing tampon commercials on TV.

Modesty reminds me of a venetian blind. 
It used to be all the way down, and then it slowly
went up, up, up...till it had almost no where to go.

It almost seems like it is starting to
 go back down? Just for contrast?

And really, which is the more tantalizing?
Blind down? Or blind up?

I am not really of the opinion that one is necessarily 
better than the other, just musing about the changes
that have happenedthrough the generations. 

I wonder what the accepted code of modesty
will be in another twenty years?

Still don't want my bra strap showing!

photo credits


  1. Replies
    1. It just seems so odd how what used to be so...oh no...don't want so acceptable now. I guess we can relax a bit, though. Thanks for stopping by! (I do remember wearing short shorts to school ONCE in junior high....light pink ones)

  2. When you put it that way, modesty in twenty years is sort of terrifying! As it is, everything hangs out these days.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Yes, once I saw girls with men''s boxers on in the store...that was when those type of shorts were getting popular. but these were actually men's boxers. And of course bra straps hang out all over, and TV shows all kinds of shows that would be shocking when I was young! Thanks for stopping by!
